[warn-news] possible SkyWARN activity on Tuesday

Steve Lewis n8tfd at fuse.net
Tue Apr 2 09:58:36 EDT 2024

Perhaps it's the upcoming 50-year anniversary of 3 April 1974 -- but 
there seems to be a lot of uneasy feelings about the weather for the 
next 12ish hours.  We're lining up net controls and plans to provide the 
support that the National Weather Service still requests of us.

Please dust off that radio, perhaps "check" it, and be ready for 
activity on 146.88- (PL 123) today.  Northern KY's repeater (147.375+) 
is back online and available for relays from points which are generally 
west or south of 146.88's footprint.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and participation.

-73- de N8TFD/Steve

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