[warn-news] After Action Report - 5/30/2009

Steve Lewis n8tfd at one.net
Wed Jun 3 01:40:19 EDT 2009

This is a quick word of thanks for those who participated (AND those who 
"stood by") during the severe weather event on 5/30/2009.

In reviewing the net log, it sounds like there was good cooperation 
between stations on the net in terms of confirming reports or clarifying 
some difficult-to-identify phenomena.

As a reminder, there's no need to "check in" and "check out" of the net 
if there's no weather/damage to report at those times.  Also, unless net 
control asks for "anyone from _______", please do NOT check in to 
indicate that it is NOT raining, NOT windy, etc.

We look forward to your support during the next severe weather event -- 
early June has traditionally been WARN's most active "season".

-73- de N8TFD/Steve

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